Connect to IEDs

There are two steps to establish a Client/Server MMS connection to an IED:

1) Create or Open a Workspace

Create a new workspace to find IEDs by using SCL files or IP addresses


Open an existing workspace to load a saved configuration

2) Manually Connect to IEDs

  1. Go to the Advanced Client tool
  2. Select the IED from the drop down menu
  3. Press the Connect button

Note: If the connection does not work, read the IED Connection Configuration topic for more information about IED configuration parameters.

3) Automatic IED Connections

Connections are automatically created as needed to retrieve data from IEDs. Below are some of the actions that may automatically create a connection:

Example: when the object is added to the custom display, a connection to the IED is established because the data retrieval method is set to Report and Polled (both Client/Server services). However, if the retrieval method was set to GOOSE and the data was available from a GOOSE control block, then a connection would not made. Instead, the tool would subscribe to the GOOSE control block that includes the data and would not need a Client/Server connection.

4) Discover an IED Data Model

To discover a data model from an IED:

1) Go to the creating a workspace topic

2) Find the section "Find IEDs by IP Address" (this will create a workspace by discovering data models from a set of IEDs)

3) Go to the Advanced Client to view the complete data model from the IED

NEXT: View IED Connection Status